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Mission 3 - Bread

Please complete the Edpuzzle activity at home on chemical reactions and types of chemical reactions.


As you have already seen, there are lots of chemical reactions that happen all the time around us.

Some can be positive , whereas other reactions aren't.


What everyday chemical reactions can you and your team think of? Create a poster with examples (pictures and a short explanation) of your ideas and then present it to the class.

Mission 3.1

One useful chemical reaction is fermentation - this is needed to make bread. You also need combustion in order for the bread to be made.

Each person needs to create a video which shows the following things:

- explain the process of fermentation

- show that you created a recipe (use Numbers for this)

- the process of making the bread

- the finished bread


You should make the bread and bring it into school. You will receive top marks for being adventurous and baking something out of the ordinary (eg. olive bread, bread with seeds, gluten free bread). The possibilities are endless! You will have to create a video explaining all the different steps. It should be 1-2 minutes long (NOT LONGER!).

Then, to complete this part of the mission, we will make sure you understand everything by completing a Google Form.

Mission 3.2
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